When Morning Waits

We've probably all heard Psalm 30:5. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. This phrase, obviously taken from the Bible, along with other phrases and sayings meant to encourage, often seems to fall short.

For caregivers, there's no guarantee morning is going to come. So, what if it waits? How do we endure the dark night of the soul described by Oswald Chambers?

Besides scriptures, people have these sayings that really do not apply in many caregiving situations. You may have heard some things like:

  • storms don't last forever
  • seasons always change
  • nothing lasts forever
  • there's an end in sight
  • it's always darkest before the dawn
I simply cringe when I hear these. For caregivers, there's not always an end in sight. So, if we are waiting for morning to have joy - we may be caught in living grief until we die. Morning doesn't always come. Storms don't always end. What will we do if morning waits? What are we to do with the living grief?  Since His mercies are new every morning according to Lamentations  3:23, are we slap out of mercy? The morning isn't promised, but His mercies are.

We just hang tight knowing we can still bask in His mercy. He doesn't remove His promises during the night "seasons." Even if morning waits, His mercies endure forever. We can still enjoy His peace, his love, His embrace. 

Today, even though morning waits, I'll think about His great mercy. I'll meditate on His passionate pursuit of ME! My thoughts will be on how He chose US out of all creation to be His habitation - and He didn't change His purpose when we became caregivers! So, today, I'll just rest in that as I trust Him for one more day - will you join me?

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