Stll Standing

During my private devotions this morning, I read the "Sermon on the Mount." Jesus spent a lot of time teaching the disciples and these three chapters in Matthew cover a lot of territory. There were several selah moments where I paused and thought. But it was the final few verses that captured my attention.

Jesus tells the story of the two houses. One is built on the rock and one is built on sand. In the end, it was the one built on the rock that stood. But that wasn't the focus of my thoughts. Matthew 7:25 describes what the house went through on its way to standing. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwater rise, and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it's built on the rock. Of course, the other house didn't stand because it was constructed on a shaky foundation.

My focus this morning wasn't so much on the foundation. We understand the words to that old song, On Christ the solid rock I stand.. all other ground is sinking sand....He is our firm foundation - but look at  what the poor little house had to go through. The rains tried to wash it away. Floodwaters rose to carry it away. Winds beat on it to knock it down. But ultimately, it did not collapse.

Some days I feel like collapsing. But you know what - we are still standing. No matter how high the waters of life get. No matter how strong the wind blows - we continue to stand. For me, it meant redefining my faith. Faith isn't a way to avoid the storms - it's that solid rock that carries us on through them. We may be beat. We may get wet! But we still stand because of Him.

This makes me think of Isaiah 43::1-2 which says:

The Lord, who created you says:
Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. 
I have called you by name.
When you go through deep waters and great trouble, 
I will be with you.

When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown!
When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up;
The flames will not consume you. 
For I am the Lord your God.

He is with us - even in "great trouble." I noted, this didn't just say "trouble" but it says "great trouble." More than normal trouble! All this can beat against our little houses - but we are not destroyed. After years of caregiving (and many of you have been there for LOTS more years than me!) - We are still standing. Because of Him. We are not destroyed. We are not cast down. We stand.

Today, I'm going to think about how He continues to be with me. My meditation will not be on the storms, winds, or floods. Instead I will meditate on His ability to carry me through the deep waters, through the great trouble. My thoughts will be on the truth that He remains God - circumstances do not change that truth. I'll reaffirm my faith in Him one more day. Will  you join me?

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