Walking Alongside

 Once a year my daughter and I escape for a mother-daughter weekend away. We started the tradition 5 years ago on her birthday weekend. This year was our 6th trip and it was more of a caregiver's getaway since we now share caregiving responsibilities under one roof. It' always a great time and I learned so much on this trip.

On Saturday, we walked the 5k together. The first year we did it was a bit difficult for me because I usually run races. But every year she's done this one I have let her set the pace. This year's race was awesome! We visit, laugh, cut up and just relax, so it's a great time.

I thought about how much I enjoy just walking it with her - it's more than just getting the race done - it's the doing it together that makes it memorable. There really is something special about walking alongside someone else on their journey. Maybe it's just more rewarding when you make it about someone else's journey instead of your own.  Your journey is better.

I thought of what Jesus said in John about sending the Holy Spirit. He'll not only live in us, but He'll walk alongside too. Walking alongside is an important role. You still have to do the walking - but there's someone right there if you need anything like encouragement, a drink of water, a hand up, or a shoulder to lean on even though they don't walk it for you.

To further demonstrate - there were several amputees on this race. They all had someone there with them, but not one companion was walking it for them. God won't walk the caregiving journey for us - but He does walk alongside as a constant companion - just in case we need anything along the way.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm missing something as a caregiver, and maybe I walk like with a limp. But I can rest easy knowing that each unstable step is taken with Him by my side - to guide, comfort, instruct, and help. That's all I need to just keep taking one more step.

Today, I'm going to meditate on His ever-abiding presence. I'll turn my thoughts to how Holy Spirit is sent to us to indwell us - and to walk alongside. I'm not taking one step alone  - I like that. I'll think about how He accompanies me with each and every tottering step and I'll trust Him for one more day. will you join me?

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