A Barren Life

This morning during my devotions, my readings and thoughts were all over the place as usual. I read for a while in Isaiah and meditated on some of the verses in chapter 54. I may not be barren in the natural sense, but sometimes it feels like I live a fruitless and barren life. My heart argues with that and says I bear fruit - but my eyes just don't see it most of the time.

The prophet Isaiah is encouraging the barren to sing and shout for joy. I'm like, why?  The Lord promised enlargement and spreading out to resettle desolate lands. Verse 4 says fear not for you will not be put to shame, and do not feel humiliated for you will not be disgraced, but you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.

Sometimes it feels like life has disgraced us - stripped us of walking gracefully through. Life can be humiliating. Caregiving can be daunting and downright ugly at times. But it always yields fruit. We are not barren - we just don't look like everyone else.

Isaiah goes on to talk about how God expressed His concern and compassion to His children. In verse 8 he quotes the Lord, with everlasting lovingkindness I will have compassion on you. May this be true for each of us who are pursuing Him today. May He gather us up in His love as He encompasses us with everlasting lovingkindness and compassion.

Today, I'll meditate on how He looks at us with compassion, not disdain like many do. My thoughts will be on His everlasting lovingkindness - that doesn't change or stop due to life's most barren circumstances. He is our water in the desert and I'll trust Him for a drink of mercy to help in my time of need today. I will trust that He is bringing forth fruit in this barren life - will you join me?

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