Can I Call You?

Today is a whirlwind. I have things that must get done. It's late. I haven't even gotten Chris up. He's sleeping and that's okay since he's been improving his brain requires more sleep. But it throws my groove off. On top of the caregiving tasks the day-to-day stuff, I have totally taken on too much work. Maybe I should hire someone to help! lol

It feels like everything is spiraling out of control including my head and my emotions. My thoughts are going 90 to nothing and my to-do list is growing longer with no break in sight. What are we to do when life takes these rapid turns?

I was reading in Psalm and found this nugget for today. The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes to all who call on Him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries for help and He rescues them.  (Psalm 145:18, 19 NLT) I may not need a physical rescue today - but my soul certainly could use a rescue from this whirlwind. I kind of hope no one identifies. But I'm sure many get caught up in emotions and thoughts too.

This verse reminds me that He is close to me. I just have to remember to call on Him and not try to navigate the craziness myself. I guess once again it's about leaning into Him a little more closely and trusting Him a little more fully. I must remind myself that He's got this. He's got me.

I love it that I don't have to schedule a call with God. There's no online calendar for making appointments in heaven. And I don't even have to wait for Him to get off the other line. As soon as my heart hits that panic button and my begins to cry out to Him in desperation and sincerity - He answers. I wonder if He hears those silent cries for help even louder than the audible ones.

Today, I will turn my thoughts into prayers for direction, strength, and wisdom. I'll lean in a bit closer and remind myself that He is close when I call. I'll open up my heart and let it share all the things I'm afraid to say, scared to think. And I will trust Him to hear me, to carry me, to get me through just today. Will you join me?

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