Full Package Deal

ornery looking chris
Pardon my absence. I had the opportunity to go away for a ladies retreat this past weekend and you know how involved it can be just to get ready to be gone for a bit. I'm so thankful for respite! You don't get a break just to get ready, nor do you get a break when you walk back through the door. lol I know you guys understand - thank you.

My thoughts this morning are on the seeking. I love how God is there for whatever we need when we seek Him. 2 Peter 1:3 tells us His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness - through our knowledge of Him. Whatever we need we will find in Him. But we've got to seek Him - not just what we think we need.

I was reading in Jeremiah 29 where it says you will seek Me and find me when you seek Me with all your heart. What is it you need today? As caregivers, we can have a long, long list. (Or at least I have one!) I know I need His strength to make it each day. I need His wisdom to make choices that arise. I need His peace every moment of every day. And I'd like to have a bit of joy on the side. I still need His provision and all his promises to me. You can say it out loud - I need __________ today.  I understand how our needs are pressing and constantly changing. Even our slowest, easiest days (whatever that is!!!) we need His grace. (Maybe it's just me! :-)

But I took a second look at this promise in Jeremiah. His promise is that we will find HIM when we seek for HIM. May our seeking be solely for Him and not just for the "things" we need from Him. You see, when we seek Him - we'll get the full package deal. We won't fully have peace if we don't allow Him to reign in our hearts. If we don't seek Him - we won't be able to hear His wise instructions.

Today, I will seek Him because He is, not just so I can reap the automatic benefits. There's no sweeter peace than being in His presence. I'll be thankful today that He hears my "faintest cry" and He invites me to come to Him - and when I come (when you come) we get the full package deal. My thoughts today will be on pursuing Him with my whole heart and resting in His promises - every single one! I will seek Him, trust Him, and rely on Him for just this one more day. Will you join me?


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