Positionally Speaking

 So many things going through my mind. Maybe that’s totally normal for caregivers. Our proverbial plate is more than full with caregiving tasks, decisions, and life too. Some days I jump up and hit the ground running... others I’m almost too tired to turn over to reach my alarm. Tired but still busy are accurate descriptions I think- for all of us. Yet we keep going- like the energizer bunny. Sometimes people around us don’t know how tired we really are.

These were some of my thoughts this morning as I opened Psalm 62. I am still meditating on this psalm. I keep going back, partially because I keep getting something out of it and partly because I keep seeing new stuff. That’s one of the coolest things about reading the Bible regularly. It doesn’t get tired...always something new even if you’ve read it before. That may be partly because of the changes life brings about in us and partly because He said His Word is alive! (Hebrews 4:12)

As I sit in the doctor’s office this morning I opened my Bible app to soak up some more of this psalm. I noticed for the first time that David repeated a phrase. I suppose that means it was important to him. Maybe he just wanted to remind himself of something.

This phrase is in verse 2 and then again in verse 6- He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. (NLT) I think the point I pulled out was never be shaken. I know God is my rock, salvation, and fortress too... can I rest assured that I won’t be shaken? Some days I feel shaken... shook... needing to find that place of re-grounding in Him.

So after some thought, I look back at the three other terms- rock, shelter, fortress. They must have something to do with not being shaken. I wonder if the psalmist is just being repetitive. I don’t think so- these are three forms of protection. Maybe different levels. I can hide behind a rock. I hide under a shelter. I hide inside a fortress. God’s got me covered. As long as I “position” myself in Him, under Him, and behind Him He’s got me!

Today, I’ll let my meditation be on my position with Him. I’ll think about how He covers me, hides me, and shelters me. My soul’s position will be on its knees in worship of all He is and who He is. I’ll trust Him to be my rock, my shelter and my fortress- will you join me?

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