Still in the Game

This weekend I went to Wichita, Kansas to run a half marathon. I had run one full marathon there in 2012. I haven't done another full 26.2 miles and probably won't! lol. I was surprised by the emotions of returning to the place I did accomplish my only marathon. My eyes got just a bit moist when I looked at the bridge coming into the start/finish line area and I was a bit proud that I had done at least one full.

I hadn't trained enough for this half, but knowing I'd done a full (and 26 other half marathons) gave me the confidence to hit the course and shave 4 whole minutes off my last time.

Sometimes as caregivers it feels like facing each day is like running a marathon and it can seem like it never ends. But by looking back at the things we have accomplished on the caregiving journey it encourages us to face another day. When we take a few minutes to look back at a few wins we know we can make it one more day. We are still in the game - and that's a great achievement.

But sometimes, it's the fact that we are still in the game that makes it difficult. It's our faith that brings the greatest comfort and the greatest conflict. We believe He heals - even though we don't experience it in our situation. We believe He calms the storm even when it rages on. What do we do with those emotions when we know and trust and believe but don't see? Stay in the game.

It all comes down to trusting Him in the midst of trials, storms, and caregiving. I've said before that I've found my faith to be redefined through caregiving. It's not so much that it keeps us from facing things - it's not about avoidance - or not having to go through the trials. Instead - it's what carries us through them. Like all our Bible heroes. Hebrews 11 - the Hall of Faith - is full of those who faced situations and prevailed because of faith. There'd be no stories if they hadn't faced obstacles.

Today, I'm going to rejoice that I am still in the game no matter how difficult it is. My thoughts will be on how He has carried me thus far and He's not putting me down here! I'll meditate on His presence that never leaves me and ride that through one more day called today. Will you join me? OH - and congratulations - for staying in the game!

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