Walking on Water

Just after I finished yesterday's devotion about how Jesus was sleeping in the boat and woke up to calm the waves, I thought of another story about Jesus and a storm. In Matthew 14, Jesus had just fed the 5000+ with two fish and five loaves of bread when He loaded up the disciples in a boat and sent them across the lake while He sent people home. After seeing that everyone was sent off safely, He retreated to a quiet place for prayer. While He was praying, a storm came up and started tossing His disciples to and fro. 

In our last devotion, Jesus was asleep in the boat and woke up to calm the waves. This time, He sees His disciples in distress and just takes off walking across the top of the water to where they were. In both settings, the disciples were first afraid of the storm, then afraid of Jesus. This time they think a ghost is coming at them across the waters. Jesus calls out to them and says some powerful words. I am here! Don't be Afraid! 

These words from the New Living Translation stood out to me. First off, Jesus took off walking across the water to get to His terrified disciples. He didn't stay safely on shore hoping they would get across. He met them in their storm. He met them in their fear. I take comfort in the fact that He came to them. They didn't even call out to Him as far as we know. He saw their distress and headed for them.

As caregivers, there can be much fear, much distress, much confusion, and much grief. God doesn't sit safely on the shores of life hoping we can sort it out. He comes to us in the midst of the storm offering peace, comfort, and direction. 

Today, I will turn my thoughts to how He came out to where His disciples were and met them in their time of need. I'll meditate on His ever-abiding presence and desire to be with us His children. I'll be thankful that He is willing to meet us in our mess and make a difference in our hearts. He can calm the storm in our heart even if the storm we are in rages on. I'll trust him for peace today and I will let it reign in my heart today. Will you join me?


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