Am I a Juggler or What?

I could not fathom doing what I am doing - caregiving-wise - before I did it. Sometimes people tell caregivers you are so strong. But if you are like me you don't feel it at all. We tend to not see carrying the load we carry as a strength. I think of myself as more of a juggler trying to get each thing done letting it suspend in mid-air for just enough time to touch another project or chore before juggling another task around to be worked on. And it never seems to get done. I think juggling is more appropriate than strength. lol

If you are like me - there are good days and bad days. Some days I feel like I'm ready to take on the world. And some days it has to be done to get things accomplished. Other days I can feel so very weak. I'm not overcome - I am just tired through and through.

Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that he would boast in his weaknesses since the real power - the real strength comes from God. He even goes on to say in the very next verse that he is content in weaknesses. I want to point out that is plural. For whatever reason, Paul felt he had numerous weaknesses. I know I do - but rarely am I content in them.

There is a power that comes when we realize how truly weak we are. The caregiving journey is a difficult one and I cannot imagine walking it without God. He is the sustainer of my soul - I'd be a mess if I try to do it on my own. Shoot, I'm a mess most times and I am trying to rely on God! lol
However, I know that I know that I know it is His sustaining power carrying me day to day, hour to hour, minute by minute. I'm no fool. It's His strength keeping me alive and on track.

Today, I will purposefully lean into Him just a bit more. My thoughts will be on His sustaining power and how He holds me up with His right hand. I'll meditate on His power working in me to bring glory to the kingdom. I'll thank Him for keeping me, watching over me, and sustaining me with His power in my weakness. Then like Paul, I'll say I can glory in that weakness if it means I rely on His strength even more as I lean into Him and trust Him more fully with one more day. Will you join me?


  1. So im a caregiver to my mom, reading this is finally seeing that i am noy alone. Yes God is my only strength

  2. Thank you for sharing a bit of your own journey with us. And thank you for reading!



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