Tinted Glasses

As a full and part-time caregiver, it's difficult to read the word without seeing it through caregiver tinted glasses. Of course, this is true no matter what comes at us in life whether a long-lasting recovery, serious illness, divorce, or anything else. The good thing is that the Word of God does not change to fit what we are going through. His Word stands sure - no matter what we go through - it remains applicable. It has to be - right? If our situations change it - which is stronger?

Sometimes, parts are not as easily understood because we view them through pain-tinted glasses. But His word still stands. It is still true. It does not change. For this I am thankful. I read sometimes, looking for parts that can be lived from the cave. You know? Even though I can get out a little more - I still deal with frustrations when I can't find the "me" I used to be. The one who was always there for everyone. I didn't miss church. never missed meetings, etc. I was on "go" almost all the time. And to be honest, it's been difficult to find myself here and miss the other me. But alas, I adjust.

May we become more like Paul who shared a sense of loss too. As he was writing to the Philippians in chapter three he said:

What things were gain to me, I have counted loss for Chris.
Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ...
I have suffered the loss of all things...
and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ...and be found in Him

And that last phrase is where I stopped... found in Him. When I feel the losses - the life I lost, the me I lost, the freedom I lost - if I can just look for myself in Him instead. And that's what I love about the word - our circumstances do not change truth - it can stand the test of time. It stands through our situations and circumstances. It will weather the storms of life! Instead of looking in all these different places - instead of looking for myself within  - may I just look to Him and be found in Him.

Today, my thoughts will be on how securely I am tucked into His heart. How He holds me there and is content. My meditations will be on how to enjoy the fullness that only comes from Him and from abiding in Him. And with that, I will be content today. I'll just rest in Him and trust Him for today. May I always be lost in Him.


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...