The After-Battle

I think I’ve shared that I’ve been studying the armor in Ephesians 6. If not, guess what! I’ve been studying the armor in Ephesians 6! It’s funny to me how we can read something over and over and then one day it seems to just open up and make sense. I have read, studied, and memorized this passage, but in the reading this time several things stood out that I hadn’t noticed quite this way before. Hopefully, I can get it all out of my heart and mind and into a study guide or devotional – not sure which one yet.

So, this one little phrase really stuck out to me this time. Paul tells the church at Ephesus to put on all the armor so they can stand. He mentions standing a couple of times throughout – when you’ve done all… just stand. Do you have days like that? I know I do. Days when caregiving is just overwhelming and we’re at the end of our own proverbial rope are frequent it seems. But here we are – still standing. And thankful to God for perseverance, strength, peace and His presence.

The phrase that’s standing out to me today is in verse 13. I’m using the New Living Translation (it’s the old NLT). It says to put it all on – so that after the battle you will still be standing. There’s that standing thing again. But the focus for me is on the three words: after the battle.

Paul in no way told the Ephesians they would be able to avoid or escape the battle. While there may not be an escape route – there is an after. Whatever battle we are facing today will come to an end. And I’m sure there will be a new one immediately following but after this battle – we’ll still be standing as long as we are hidden in Him. And as long as we continue to embrace His word.

For caregivers sometimes it feels like everything is a battle. Seriously, and some days it starts with breathing. Taking one more step or taking one more breath is the battle some days. But as we continue to stand complete in Him – after each battle no matter how long, how short, how intense, or insane – we can still be standing.

I don’t know what battles I may face today. For me right now it really is one breath at a time. But I know that no matter what comes my way, and I’m sure they’ll be something(s)… this tiny soldier will still be standing and trusting Him.

Today, in the midst of exhaustion I will purposefully trust Him. I will direct my thoughts to His watchful care over us. I will turn my meditations to His care, His intense love and His extreme desire to be with us. Then, I will trust Him for each breath as I breathe through this day one step at a time. Will you join me?

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