In the Press

At the end of each year, I usually spend some time in reflection. Even though I'm in a "down" patch emotionally right now, this year has had a lot of ups. I try to focus on those more than the downs, especially the ones that are right in my face. My goal for the coming year is to take the bigger plusses from this year and make them even larger positives next year.

As caregivers, it can be so difficult to feel like we accomplish anything. We tend to do the same things over and over. There is endless laundry, dishes, preparing meals, feeding, and more that simply have to happen every single day. Then on top of those things we have doctor's appointments, urgent care needs, or any sundry of other things we have to deal with when taking care of another whole person and all their affairs. Even though working through all the day-to-days is quite the accomplishment and we do it day after day, it can feel like we don't get anything at all done.

If we are not careful, or even if we are, it's easy to feel like we are pressed by the load we carry. In no way is it burdensome - we love our people, right? We do what we do because of that love. But there are times when it feels like it is crushing us or maybe we just don't feel like we can get ahead.

This morning, I was working on my next devotional for my online bookstore, and I found myself in Hebrews 12:2. Jesus endured the cross because of the joy set before Him. We were that joy. But in that moment, perhaps in Gethsemane when He was asking if there was any other way - the weight of all of us was resting on His soul. He gave up His will - for us. Don't we do something similar every single day?

Perhaps it's not on such a grande scale - we are not saving the world. But we do give up our desires, our hopes, our comfort, etc - for our loved ones. And we sit in the moment of each day saying Not my will, but Yours be done. We pray that for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for our caregivees.

Today, I simply want to accept the will of God for my life whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, easy or difficult, breathtaking or crushing I submit it all to Him. There is a contentment that comes - a true soul peace as we stop fighting the crushing. It's a release to say - this isn't how I had it planned out - but I will submit to You no matter what life brings. God's will doesn't change because we are caregivers - He still has good thoughts towards us. He still has good plans for us. We are still more than conquerors through him even if we are caregiving. My thoughts will be on purposefully pursuing His will in my situation and not my own... will you join me in this quest?


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