It’s All the Hard Part
Nothing is easy about caregiving, in my opinion. Some days
are overall easier than others, maybe. And eventually we tend to adjust to a new
normal, don’t we? For me, it’s taken some time to get into a groove and
stay there. That’s actually how I adjust to many of the daily responsibilities.
When I need to add something new, I find a spot for it in what I am already
doing and once I fit it into my “groove” it becomes a new norm too.
As caregivers, we have so much on our plate it can be hard
to juggle it all. And it’s not just a hectic spot – it’s every single day - day after day. It can be easy to lose sight
of life itself. Most caregivers I’ve had a chance to cyber-chat with get
frustrated with people who tell them they need to take care of themselves or they
need to take a break – but offer no real solution for how to do so. Not to
mention how friends seem to vanish over time and social isolation becomes a
real deal that gnaws away at our very existence. But alas, we adjust and
continue to do what we must do for our loved ones.
Pressing on when it gets difficult makes me think of a
scripture. Hebrews 12:1-2 says this:
Therefore, we
also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
Let us lay aside
every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
And let us run
with endurance the race that is set before us,
Looking unto
Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith
Who for the joy
that was set before Him endured the cross,
Despising the
shame and has sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.
I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth sharing again. I
recall the day I stood by my son’s hospital bed, right after I’d brought him
home. I was still heartbroken and was also in caregiver’s shock as I had no
idea what it was going to look like. It was certainly figuring it out a day at
a time thing. Lol. As I looked at my adult son sleeping, I was overwhelmed by
the love I had for him. I knew I would stay beside him no matter what that road
looked like, for I was bound by love. And in that moment, I realized this was
the same love that held Jesus to the cross. His intense love and compassion for
us was why He faced the cross, to begin with – and it’s what held Him to the
cross when He had the power to walk away.
He looked out over time and saw us in our caregiving
situations and endured the cross so He could perfect our faith. Those days when
we just are not sure we can put one foot in front of the other or it takes all
our strength just to breathe – we can look at Him and realized He endured pain
for us because He cherishes us, He loves us. And we can take one more step, one
more breath.
I think I didn’t really understand love until that moment
that day. It’s helped me sort through many days – none of them easy.
Today, I’ll keep my thoughts focused on His great love for
me. My meditations will be on how He didn’t get off that cross because it hurt
– He knew WE needed Him to stay there. He endured – I can endure. I can run
this caregiver’s race that is set before me with patience because of what He
has done. I’ll thank Him for the grace to make one more hard day – will you
join me?
Thank you!