The Day 2 Days

Ah, the end of another year. How can time go so fast and so slow at the same time? It feels both ways most of the time, doesn’t it? While we are doing our day-to-days it can seem so slow. But then you look up and realize another week is gone, and soon another month and here we are on the brink of a brand new year.

One of the things I have difficulty with is setting goals for a new year. I know we are all supposed to have New Year’s resolutions. But as caregivers, it can be difficult to plan a simple outing sometimes. Even then, one of us may be sick, or something goes wrong with a vehicle or any number of other things. For me, I never know when the doctor is coming until the day before and it’s the same with nurses and case managers. It’s hard to plan anything out very far at all. Maybe I’ll read more books this year – maybe I won’t. I definitely want to eat better and get in better shape physically. But it seems like there is obstacle after obstacle. So, no resolutions for me this year. Lol.

On the other hand, I purpose to trust Him more this year with the day-2-days. Maybe that’s a resolution and maybe it’s not. As I was working on my next devotional 31 Days in Psalm 31, which should be out in January, I found myself back in Psalm 121. I’ve clung to this psalm a lot over the last 11 years. It hit me while I was living in the ICU waiting room wondering what the future held for me and my son. I remember thinking my help doesn’t come from these doctors and nurses (no matter how good they are) – my help comes from the Lord. I wrote a simple chorus about it and it’s sort of been my theme song.

I suppose as another year approaches, it will remain my theme song. My goal any year, any day, month, week, or moment is to look to Him as my help, my strength, my go-to. That’s not likely to change anytime sooner or later. That psalm goes on to say that HE won’t let my foot slip. He doesn’t sleep – but He watches over Israel. He is our keeper; He is our shade. And best of all – He is the keeper of our souls.

So, this year, I’ll continue to trust Him to keep my soul. He watches over the part of me that cries the deepest, hurts the hardest, and longs for Him the most. Nothing can touch our soul – He keeps that part of us that makes us – US. I guess if that’s a resolution, so be it.

Today, I’ll lean into Him just a little more closely and I’ll whisper, I trust You with my soul. And I’ll listen for His reply. I purpose to stay closer to Him during this season of life than I ever have, to trust Him with more of me – to be more transparent before Him (it’s not like He doesn’t know anyway) and to rely on Him with more of me invested in the deal. Will you join me?


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