Heart or Emotions?

I continue my quest to read the Bible through this year and in my reading, I’ve come across a common thread. It’s funny how we see different things in familiar passages, even though we’ve read them many times before. I’m supposing that is because as Hebrews 4:12 says, the Word of God is living and powerful, it’s sharper than a two-edged sword, dividing between the soul and the spirit. That’s intense. Even though I’ve had that verse memorized for years, taught it in many classes, and read it who knows how many times, it still reverberates through me. God’s word is alive. That blows my mind – yet I feel it when I read the word and sense it brings changes inside me as I yield my will to His.

The other part of that verse that sticks out to me today is the diving asunder of soul and spirit. Now, that’s the Old King James because that’s how I memorized it! But think about that a second. God (and His word) can tell the difference between our spirit-man and our soul. God knows the difference between our spirit and our emotions – and He sees when we are on emotional overload, which is often a state caregivers live in. I know I do! Lol

This morning, as I was reading the story of Jakob and Rachel, I found that phrase again – God saw. This time it was coming from Jakob, who is declaring that God saw the mistreatment he endured under Laban. Genesis 31:12 God tells Jakob I have seen all that Laban is doing to you. He then declares to Laban in verse 42 of the next chapter – God has seen my affliction.  By then, he and all his family and flocks are headed out.

This reminded me of the recent reading of the story of Hagar and how she realized that God saw the afflictions she was enduring. And even on up into Exodus 3, verse 7, God says I have seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt, and I’ve heard their cry. God’s word is able to miraculously discern between the deep faith-filled cry of our heart toward Him – and the emotional response to the difficulty of our situation. When He sees us – He sees both. He sees the hard stuff we face day after day. He sees when we cry and no one knows. He hears our heart crying out for His strength to carry us through each moment.

Now the interesting thing to me in all three of these accounts was that each of them had to move. Hagar moved out of Abraham’s house and God established her and Ishmael. Jakob moved on from the experience with Laban. And the Children of Israel were rescued from the oppressive grip of Pharaoh.

God saw – but it also took action on each of their parts to be free. For us as caregivers, we may not physically move (thank God!). But we can take action the first one being to trust Him for this day. Trust He sees us. Trust He hears us. Trust He is walking this journey with us. And the cool thing is He knows that His Spirit can discern between the outcry of our hearts and our complete trust of Him. They are not opposites; they go hand in hand.

Today, I will purposefully take time to acknowledge and meditate on the truth that He sees me right where I am. I’ll be thankful that He hears my heart cry whether it is audible or silent. My soul takes rest in that recognition – that He hears and sees me. I’ll try to stay in that restive mode today – will you join me?

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