Uncertain Times

On one hand, many caregiver's lives have not changed much over the last couple of weeks. We are used to being locked in. Caregivers often suffer from social isolation because we don't have much of a social life anyway, if any at all. Personally, I didn't anticipate having any problems with stay-at-home orders as they were broadcast. But the climate change surprised me.

Most of us as caregivers are used to advocating for our loved ones. But this feels different. It's more intentional, more constant, more personal. And it could have dire ramifications if we let up for just one second - or at least it feels that way to me. When times seem to be even more trying and each day is uncertain - never knowing what news will unfold - I have to go back.

When my son was first injured and my caregiving journey was beginning even though I wasn't aware of it at that point, I started grabbing for sanity. In that moment, I had to go back, back to what I knew. I found much of what I had learned from the church was only meant to keep their church alive - feed the mind and soul - but not the spirit. I was beyond devastated.

The last day or so, I've been thinking about some of those first things I learned after Chris' wreck. One thing was that the kingdom of God did not change when he got hit in the head with a truck. God didn't get off His throne or throw in the towel. He didn't throw His hands up and wonder what to do.

Today, this is what has comforted me. God's kingdom hasn't changed even though the face of our world has changed temporarily. We are still His children and His salvation is sure. What we have and who we are in the kingdom of God - is unmovable. He still loves us. He still gives us His peace. And He will strengthen our hearts. That's the scripture I've been meditating on. The old KJV says in Psalm 27:14 - Trust in the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.

Today, this will be my meditation - that I will continue to trust Him come what may. And I will be thankful that He knows those who trust in Him. When my thoughts go crazy - and they will - I will bring them back to the truth that I trust Him with this day - because He is still on the throne and He still has us. I will remind myself that His throne is immovable - my situation does not dethrone Him. With an immovable King and unshakable kingdom - I will trust Him with this day. Will you join me?

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