Hide 'n Seek

This morning during my Bible study time, I found myself in Jeremiah. I love this OT prophet! Many look at the book as gloom and doom - but I see God's persistent heart throughout the prophet's writings. He is always reaching out to us whether we are reaching out to Him or not.

I landed in chapter 29 in a familiar passage to most of us. It's always good to revisit familiar passages like this because our vision can change based on our circumstances. Yes, the word of God doesn't change - but our ability to see it differently does. Experiences make so many passages sweeter, doesn't it? One of my favorite worship leaders, Dennis Jernigan, says the drier the desert, the sweeter the rain. Many times His word is like the soothing rain on my dry aching heart. That's the way it was this morning.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says this:

For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call on Me and go and pray to Me
and I will listen to you.
And you will seek me and find Me 
when you search for Me with all your heart.

God isn't playing hide 'n seek. Instead, He says when we seek for Him - He'll let us find Him! He doesn't hide from the ugliness of caregiving - instead, He sees the beauty in the fact that we lay down our lives and desires for another. To Him, it's a sweet-smelling incense. He meets us in those places we cannot talk about. He sees us feeding, dressing, transferring, and tending to them. His love reaches us in those quiet discreet moments that are not discussed openly. He sees our hearts - not just our deeds. He won't hide from us like the world tends to do - He jumps out and says "I'm am here!" He listens, He cares, He loves.

Today, I will turn my thoughts to how He is right there as soon as I turn my heart to find Him. He is ever present to strengthen, comfort me, and fill me with His peace. I will embrace His peace and His presence in my heart today as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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