The Giver & Receiver

I'm still walking through Psalm 46:1 in my morning devotions. Yesterday, we talked about how God is our refuge- we run to Him and hide in Him. But the psalmist goes on to say that He is our peace. I have a  lot of favorite scriptures about peace! But I want to focus on one in Psalm 29:11.

This verse says  The Lord will give strength to His people, the Lord will bless His people with peace. I love this verse! When we put it all together, He is our refuge - as long as we run to Him, as we talked about yesterday. We must run to Him and hide.

But now, He is also our strength. Again - we must run to Him and let Him be our strength rather than trying to do it all on our own. This scripture in Psalm 29 says He gives us strength - and He gives us peace. But it's up to us to accept it - hold it - submit to it - and walk in it. He can pour it on us all day long but we still won't have peace or strength if we don't yield our hearts and ways to Him.

Even though He pours His abundant peace on us - it can't take effect until we let it rule in our hearts. (Colossians 3:15) This makes it an actionable item, doesn't it? We have to take action to receive and walk in the peace He gives. He keeps giving peace. He keeps being a refuge. Now it's up to us to run to Him, receive from Him, and rest in that peace.

That's a tall chore for many of us - our brains are so busy and we are currently being inundated with so much information - we don't even know what's true or false anymore. But there's one thing for sure in these uncertain times - We can still walk in His peace. Remember that Paul told us we are not citizens of this world -our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) Our task is to live from there - instead of trying to fit in around here.

Today, I will trust Him with myself and my loved ones. I will choose to let His peace rule in my heart no matter what I see or hear. I'll trust Him over the craziness in this world. I'll lean in to Him a little closer and rest on Him more fully as I trust Him to get me and the ones I care for through one more day. Will you join me?


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