The Supposed-To-Be's

So many things are supposed to be happening right now. It's the height of racing season and I'm supposed to be lining our races for myself and a few to push Chris in. It's Easter weekend and many families are supposed to be planning huge family gatherings, early Sunday morning church services, and Easter egg hunts.

But none of that is happening as the world is still on hold. For many of us caregivers, it doesn't really look all that much different. But the atmosphere is different. The world is a different place right now  - nothing is as it is supposed to be. 

I've kept my thoughts in Psalm 46 a lot this week. I'm meditated on verse 1 and I'm still chewing on it. It says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. But then the next verse says this: Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the heart of the sea....

While our earth may not have physically moved, it's certainly changed for many of us. There are new fears, new dreads, and just new ways to do old things. (like getting groceries, doctor appointments, etc.) But we don't have to live in that sense of fear or dread. Why not? Because God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 

I remind myself that He has not changed. He has not given up or thrown in the towel. He hasn't thrown His hands up in despair wondering what to do next. That's why I continue to trust Him even in the midst of this man-made crisis. Even if the earth shifts off its axis - He can still be trusted.

Today, I'll remind myself that He is still on the throne - He's still in control. My meditations will be on His faithfulness to keep our souls no matter what our bodies go through. I'll turn my thoughts to His strength that He has shared with me... little ole me. I'll tell myself that He loves me still.. and today is not the day He has decided to change. And I'll rest right there in those thoughts. Will you join me?

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Wait, There's More

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