Always Welcome Here (A New Poem)


chris standing at a park in OKC

It can be so difficult to fit in as caregivers. We can feel like we can't engage in general conversations and only other caregivers understand our circumstances. Then there is trying to navigate going anywhere with a wheelchair or walker. Some places are not accessible. Some say they are but are more than difficult to get in and out of. I always say those places follow the "letter of the law" but not the intent. Technically you can get in - but boy. (Sigh)

Rejection is a horrible feeling. It's easy for caregivers to feel like we don't "belong" or that we are not a part. Sometimes, that even happens with family and close friends. Recent events left me feeling rejected. As I was carrying my concerns to God, this poem just kind of came out of that prayer time. Somehow knowing that we can bring all of our baggage before the King of Kings and never be turned away is comforting. I hope you enjoy it. 

Always Welcome Here


Child, you are always welcome here

Bloody, broken, or riddled with fear

I will never turn you away

And I will capture every single tear

You are always welcome here.


Refused, outcast, forsaken or rejected

Lost, lonely, or neglected

I will not turn you away

I open up My arms to say you are accepted

You are always welcome here.


Come for the healing – Stay for communion

I’ve waited for you for so long

Come, sit and rest – here is where you belong.


I see your broken heart

I hear your silent tears


I will not turn you away

You are always welcome here.


  1. What a special way to help us know we are not alone. We are not hopeless. Thank you for sharing.

  2. We are not alone - although it may seem that way. Thank you for reading.



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