God Doesn't Know the Rules!


chris in the standing frame

After yesterday's post, I started thinking about how God chases us down. He longs for us to be with Him so much and He never gives up. I thought of the scripture in Jeremiah 29:13-14 that says, and you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will let Myself be found by you. (NASB) That kind of spoils the game doesn't it? lol

I'm sure you played hide-and-seek as a kid. I have even played into adulthood. There are so many versions of the game, but the object always remains the same. That is to not be found by the seeker(s). But God says He will let us find Him when we seek for Him.

I kind of chuckled to myself picturing that. But then, my mind went to another game we played as kids, chase. I wondered if God played chase too - but since He is everywhere - we don't have to run anywhere to catch Him. As soon as we want to be with Him, He's like I'm right here for you. 

Well, that's no fun! 

Of course, I am speaking in jest. How awesome is that for real? As soon as we seek Him - He steps out so we can see Him. If we run to Him - He's already there! He may not be too much into the rules of our little games - but He does know how to shatter them with a dramatic ending.

He not only cannot hide from us if we are seeking Him - He calls out to us and says, hey, I'm right here! Before we take a step toward Him, He's already met us right where we are. He doesn't require us to follow any religious ordinances, complete a checklist, or get perfect. (Whew!) He just wants to walk this journey with us. How cool is that?

Today, I'll be thankful for God's lack of ability to play games by human rules! I'll stop chasing and rejoice that He caught me and I caught Him. I can just rest in His presence and enjoy His peace. That's what I will do today - will you join me?


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