I Tell Myself!
This morning, I revisited Psalm 104. It's one of my favorite passages and one I call one of the "creation" chapters. The psalmist describes many aspects of creation and of course, as find it amazing and encouraging. My favorite verse out of this chapter is verse 19 where the psalmist says, the sun knows where to set. It never rises and then isn't sure which way west is. God set things in motion and they remain.
But what caught my eye this morning was the first verse. It says, Praise the Lord, I tell myself. Then he goes on to talk about God's overwhelming greatness and glory. I think for me, thinking about creation is one way I celebrate the greatness and enormity of God. But sometimes, I have to tell myself to praise God. You know?
Creation reminds me that God is still in control. It helps me remember that He is consistent even when my world looks and feels topsy turvy. He created with intention. And part of that plan was that I, as a human, could easily see His works and His attributes. Then, I can tell myself how great God is once again. I remind myself of His majesty, His creative power, His care, and concern over creation. And there I find myself in His peace once again as I yield my soul to His greatness.
Today, no matter what seems troubling - we can remind ourselves that God is still on the throne. He did not give up when we became caregivers or when the world went crazy this year! Today, I'll think about how the things He put into motion - are still in motion. I'll remind myself that all of His grace, mercy, gifts, patience, and attributes are still intact and there for me to bask in. And I will do that today as I remind myself that He's got me - He's got you. will you join me?
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