A Great Replacement


I don't have to tell you that caregivers have a lot on their plates. We are taking care of another whole person, right? Some of us are caregivers for more than one loved one too! Each day has the potential of totally stressing us out. There are so many I's that have to be dotted and t's to get crossed, and we cannot leave one of them undone. Perhaps you've spent the same amount of time as I have sitting, sipping coffee, and worrying about how it was all going to come together. (Maybe not?)

As I type this, a client just sent me a message asking where the article for this week is and if it's done. It's not. Work is secondary to caregiving, but boy is it important too! When Chris doesn't feel well, I almost always fall behind on work. It's quite the juggling act - I'm sure you are well acquainted with it.

So this morning as I was studying I found myself in Philippians 4 again. I really enjoy reading different versions of the Bible. I always choose a translation rather than a paraphrase and my favorites are the New American Standard (but they don't have large print), New King James, and the New Living Translation. In the NLT, verse six of Philippians 4 says this: Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. What I love about this is that Paul told the church to not worry - absolutely nothing is worth worrying about. But he didn't leave it there. I mean really, we become so accustomed to worrying that we don't know what to do with our minds if we can't fill them with worrisome thoughts.

Paul goes on to remind the believers to pray about everything. So, he didn't leave us hanging. Maybe Paul knew that someday we caregivers would be reading this and need more encouragement to turn our crazy thoughts into prayers. Personally, this sounds like a great replacement, right? Instead of letting my thoughts (and they are many) run away with me  - I can take the things that are nagging at me, the things that are heavy on my heart and mind, and turn them into prayers. 

Today, I will take all my crazy thoughts, concerns, and cares and turn them into prayers. I'll direct my thoughts to the One who can help me. He already knows how busy my mind is, and it doesn't scare Him away! When my thoughts begin to run away - I'll purposefully take each care and turn it into a prayer. I'll remind myself that it's not mine anymore. I'll let Him carry each of my concerns as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

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