Times 3


This morning in my personal devotion time, I found myself in Isaiah 41. The whole chapter spoke to me today. But I want to focus on something that God said three times. First off, the prophet Isaiah, speaking God's words to His people refers to the children of Abraham. To clarify - that's now us! (Galatians 3:29)

Between verses 10 and 14 three times, God said, I will help you. This stuck out to me today in particular because, well, I need help! As caregivers, we face a lot of emotions, situations, circumstances, and trials. We need help sometimes and it's not always there. But God took the time to tell His kids that He would help them!

He even added fear not in the mix each of the three times He told them (us) that He would help us. Life doesn't get put on hold when we become caregivers. There are still life events like weddings and funerals. Nothing else skips a beat just so our emotions can catch up, right?

As rewarding as caregiving can be for most of us - it's also tough. It can be heavy. Caring for another whole person can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting. It's easy to wake up one morning to find out that we are spent from the inside out. But.we.keep.going.

That's where I am today. I'm tucking myself away in my safe place (in Him). I'm going to let the world pass me by today as I tend to the day-to-days of caregiving and try to find a place to let the peace He gave reign in my heart.

But I was encouraged that God took the time to tell His kids He would help them. I didn't say, I'm here if you need me. Don't you hate when people tell you that? To me, it translates to - I'm keeping my distance but you can call.....How different would it be if someone walked up into your living room and said - Either give me something to do or I'll start somewhere.? Man, what a dream come true that would be! 

That's kind of what God is communicating here in chapter 41 of Isaiah. He's telling us - I'm here and I'm ready to help. I envision Him rolling up His sleeves... 

Today, I will rejoice in the truth that He never leaves. He never tells me I'm too complicated or life is too complex for Him. He never says He'll be back when things calm down a bit. He is here. And He is here to help. That's something I can grasp ahold of today. Will you join me?

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