A Crippled Soul


Chris giving me "the look"

I'm still exploring the Bible's caregivers that we took a brief look at yesterday. Today, I focused on Mephibosheth and David. In 2 Samuel 9, David was looking for somebody - anybody from Saul's family. He said he wanted to "show them the kindness of God" (v.3) because of his friendship with Jonathan.

Ziba, a servant of Saul's household was brought before David and told the king that there was one of Jonathan's sons remaining. He also explained that Mephibosheth was "disabled in both feet." (NASB) David's next question is awesome to me - he simply said, "Where is he?" He didn't ask Ziba to "define 'disabled'." He didn't ask if he could walk some, or how much help Mephibosheth needed. He simply said, "Where is he?"

It doesn't appear that King David was inquisitive about any of the caregiving details. He didn't seem to consider how much care Mephibosheth needed, if he needed a chair, or had any other special care instructions. He just asked where Mephibosheth was, then he sent messengers to get him from Lo-debar.

When Mephibosheth came in before the king, he prostrated himself. David simply called him by name. "Mephibosheth." Then he explained that he was restoring all of Saul's household to Mephibosheth - everything that was his by birthright. David also gave him a "place" at his table with no regard for Mephibostheth's physical disabilities. That's true acceptance. No questions. No prodding. Just pure acceptance and rightful placement regardless of abilities or disabilities. David didn't even seem to question if he would be getting anything out of the deal. Many people devalue the disabled because they "can't give back." But David valued Mephibosheth for who he was - not for what he could do or not do. 

Now, I know you're thinking about how great a caregiver David was - but I'm looking at Mephibosheth. While I relate to David as a caregiver - I relate to Mephibosheth because of my inabilities. Sometimes, many times, I feel crippled in my soul. My emotions are all over the place. I have so much trouble focusing, etc. I feel broken, unwanted, and alone. I'm sure Mephibosheth had felt all those as his family was all gone. Yet here he found himself before the king...being restored, being made whole in soul, being cared for - all because of who David knew and the relationship he had had with Mephibosheth's father.

Here I stand before my God and King. I'm broken and alone. But the King - because of Christ - is restoring and making me whole - simply because of our joint relationship with Christ. Wow.

Today, I refuse to look at the brokenness life can bring - the toll caregiving can take. Instead, I will look at God who restores my soul and makes me whole through the cross of Christ. I'll thank Him that he knows I am disabled in my walk sometimes - yet He still sends for me and gives me a place at His table! And today - I'll just sit at His table and be thankful for one more day with Him - will you join me?


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