The Adjustables!


me writing in my journal

As I was getting around early this morning, my mind was already racing through today. What will it look like? How will it all unfold? I am not expecting the aide to come today even though he is scheduled to be here. But after all, it is Christmas Eve. I'm so sure he's not coming that I already did all of Chris' laundry. lol

As I was thinking of the things I would have done today if he did come, I made mental adjustments. Some things I can still accomplish, I'll just have to do them differently. Other things will just have to wait. The story of our lives, right? 

While making the mental adjustments I thought, It's okay - I'm adjustable. Then, I thought of a few fellow caregivers and how often we must make adjustments. We are flexible - otherwise, we'd break for sure. It seems like sometimes every day is a series of well-timed (and sometimes ill-timed) adjustments. Maybe The Adjustables should be a new line of superheroes! Oh wait - we are! lol

We make adjustments daily based on our loved one's needs. They need more sleep - or less sleep. Call the doctor to work in an appointment. Supplies don't come as planned - make a new order to pay for them ourselves. Aids don't show - stay on schedule and cut the extras. Grocery order messed up - change the menu! lol 

Then there are the things we don't talk about much. Like how we get everyone ready to head out the door, but have to stop for that "emergency" change. Or how many times have we had to cancel last minute because something wasn't just right with our loved ones? We adjust and move on more times than others know. They don't see the tears behind closed doors. They don't see the loneliness eating away at our hearts. Others do not really know what to do with us, do they? Yet we persist and continue to move forward trusting Him one step at a time. 

Today, I will focus on how God adjusts to meet my needs. I'll meditate on how when I need to cry - He holds me. When I am joyous, He rejoices with me. When I don't know what to do, He continues to guide and walk alongside me. He gets us! And He is the great Adjustable - as He moves in response to our needs. That brings comfort today. Enough comfort that I will rest in Him and trust Him for one more day - will you join me?


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