Broken Crayons

 I am still rolling over last week's blog in my mind. The thought of being "complete" still runs through my mind because I feel like my life as a caregiver is so fractured. No area of our lives is left untouched from our work to family, friends, and church. Every piece of us - is touched in some way by caregiving. Sometimes well-meaning people just can't take this journey with us, you know? It's not easy to watch or live a caregiver's life sometimes. It's easy to feel abnormal when we let the tv and society set those norms for us, isn't it?

But trusting God is the norm for believers. This morning I was thinking back about many of our Bible heroes and how they trusted God in their adverse circumstances. I thought of how their lives and our lives are easily shattered. If we've gained anything through this pandemic, perhaps it's the realization that life is fragile indeed.

Feeling broken doesn't mean we are broken, even though the feelings are real. We may feel like we are disjointed from society or cut off from the church. But even in our brokenness, He chooses to fill us up with all He is. I was thinking along these lines this morning I remembered hearing someone say that a broken crayon can still be used to color a beautiful picture. Then I chuckled as I thought about a broken clock is still right two times a day! (lol) A broken mirror still reflects what is set before it. Then it must be possible - NO - probable that God can still use us to reflect His glory and color His story even in our brokenness. 

I have to go back to last week and think - I am whole in Him, and you are whole in Him. So, as long as we stay hidden in Him, which is where we belong. Where we are welcomed. Where we fit. Where we find rest and strength. We are whole and He continues to use us.

Today, I will remind myself that nothing on this earth can prevent me from being whole in Him. His Kingdom (which lives in me and you) cannot be shaken by any news or happenings in the earth's kingdom. And I am not a citizen of earth's kingdom - I am a citizen of God's eternal, glorious Kingdom where I am not "just a caregiver" but I am whole in Him. Today, I will rest in this truth and I'll try to picture myself from His Kingdom's point of view - will you do the same and join me today?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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