Why Wait?

 This morning in the middle of my live Facebook "Peace Out!" devotions, I was reading a scripture and it just hit me. Ever have that happen? I was sharing out of one of my favorites, Psalm 61. David is pouring his heart out to God. I've always focused on being overwhelmed, running to God, and letting Him lead me to the Rock.

But as I was reading it for the thousandth time, I saw this phrase - from the end of the earth. Suddenly, I wondered what David meant. Did he mean he thought the world was flat and he was living on the edge about to fall off? Or did he mean time was coming to a close and the earth was ending? Neither of those made sense to me. I don't know what David was going through specifically, of course. But it's obvious he was dealing with some big stuff.

Then, it hit me - David was at the end of his rope! Maybe they just didn't have that saying yet! lol. He cried out - from the end of the earth - the end of my rope - I will cry to You, O Lord! My question then switched to - why did he wait? Why didn't he "call out" earlier? But I realized I do the same thing. I go through my days handling it all just fine. But the second I feel overwhelmed and overcome - then I seek God. Why do I wait?

What would happen if I didn't wait until I was totally bogged down under the load of caregiving before running to Him for His sustaining grace? What if I just lived in His shelter? What would that look like, I wonder? Isn't that what He ultimately wants too? He never prohibits us from coming to Him. He never says He's busy or we have to wait until tomorrow to get grace for today. Right? He never says - you should have come sooner. He just patiently extends the grace and mercy we need to match our need, to cover us.

Today, I will go to Him before I feel like I'm "at the end of my rope." I'll choose to start trusting Him now for whatever the day may throw at me later. I will hang out in His shelter even before I feel I need protection. Then, like David does in this psalm, I'll declare - I will abide with You. I will trust You. I will sing Your praise. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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