The Unexpected

Chris watching tv in the hospital

Well, we ended up spending this last week in the hospital. As caregivers, we can be forced to deal with the unexpected a lot, right? No matter how organized we are, how detailed we get, or how carefully we plan - we just never know what a day will bring. Sometimes we trust Him as we fly by the seat of our pants and hold on to the proverbial last strand of the rope. Then things settle back down and we begin to see how He orchestrated everything for our good. But it's not always easy to see it when we are in it.

Afterward, we see how He sustained us, helped us, and even carried us. That's the beauty of hindsight, right? I don't know how long you've been on your caregiving journey, but I'm working on 14 years now. I must say as I look over this last decade and a half, I see God's sustaining power. Through the times I felt like I couldn't make it - to the times when I thought I had made it - but soon fell apart at His feet once again - He's been there all along. 

He never tells us to "get it together" before we come to Him. Instead, He gives us an open invitation to bring our hearts, minds, emotions, and brokenness to Him time after time. He even waits for us to come to Him. Isaiah 30:18 says The Lord waits to be gracious to YOU! He's there for the expected and the unexpected. He never says that He didn't see something coming, can't deal with it, or doesn't know what to do with our situations or us. He just waits until we realize we need His grace to make it one more day.

Today, I'm going to run to Him - since He's waiting for me and all. (smile) I will remind myself that He's closer than a breath away whether I feel it or not. He is longing to pour out His grace to us, in us, and through us. I'm guessing the amount of grace He can lavish on us is proportionate to our need for Him. Today, I need Him a whole lot! How about you? I'm starting to think that the best place to be is in that place of awareness when we realize our great need for Him to work in our lives. That place where we wait for Him and there is no other option. Today, I know I need Him and I'm waiting on Him - will you join me?


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