Behind the Clouds

 As I stepped outside this morning, I noticed the unusual coolness for this time of year. I glanced toward the sky and saw the grayish-blue clouds hovering overhead. For a few minutes, I just watched the clouds, and then I saw a break in them and a glow from the sun broke through. Even though I could not see the sun - it was hidden behind the clouds. 

Sometimes, it just helps to know it's still there. We know we'll see it again soon, right?

This past weekend became very dark for me as my son fell ill again. I opted to not run to the hospital, but to monitor his numbers closely (oxygen, heart rate, temperature) and go only if I had to. His body needs to fight off this crud he keeps getting. While I was content with my decision, it made for a long, dark weekend where I just sat and watched him breathe. Thankfully, he pulled through, and other than some extreme tiredness, he's doing well again. 

It's those dark nights that get to you though, right? The heart and mind race and go crazy with thoughts and what-ifs. But as Chris began to get better, so did my outlook and emotions. It was sort of like that sun hiding behind the clouds. God was there - but my circumstances clouded my view of Him. During the dark night, I got occasional glimpses of His light. If nothing else, they reminded me that He was still with me whether I could see or feel Him or not.

So, this morning, as I was praying and enjoying the clouds, I thought of God remaining with me and that brought encouragement. God told Joshua to be of good courage because God was with him - wherever he might go. (Joshua 1:8) Zephaniah 3:17 also reminds us that God is in our midst. This verse is one that I like best in the old KJV. It says, The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. That's a like wow! 

Thankfully, the clouds come and go, don't they? It's not always cloudy. But it's not always sunny either. But we can rest assured that God is there when we see Him clearly. He's there when His presence is so bright we have to close our spiritual eyes. But He's still right there when the clouds are in the way and we squint to try and see Him better.

Today, I will encourage my soul with these scriptures and remind myself that He is right here. I'll be thankful that He doesn't leave when it gets tough or confusing. My meditations will be on how He stays with me during the midnight hours and watches over my soul even when I sleep. In that - I will rest as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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