Common vs Normal

Chris and Kyrie

Facing each day with gratitude goes a long way. Over the years, I've learned that there's always something to be thankful for. Of course, that doesn't make caregiving any easier, but it keeps our hearts softer. Am I right? Ultimately, I'm thankful that I can show my love for my son by being his caregiver. There's really nothing like it.

What we do day-to-day is not normal, but it is common. There are lots of caregivers. The baby boomers are aging and taking on the roles of caring for elderly parents and loved ones. But unless a person is a caregiver, they really don't get it. Sometimes, it can seem like it's so common no one hears what we say anymore. We can talk about our journey, but all they hear is blah, blah, blah. They don't really lose compassion, but it can feel like it. It can feel like no one hears us, sees us, or cares anymore. Sometimes - probably most times, it's because they don't really know what to say or do. And of course, there aren't any words that can "make it all better." So to our dismay, they remain silent without realizing how deeply it can cut into the fiber of our souls.

But there's good news, of course! God doesn't care what is normal or common. He doesn't even measure what is abnormal or uncommon. He just looks at our hearts. He hears our silent tears. God is the only One who can gently unwind our emotions when they are wrapped up in a tight ball. He hears us, feels us, gets us...and sticks around on purpose. He never puts us off or says it's too much for Him to bear. We may have well-meaning friends who "can't handle" us on a given day - but God is not like that.

Sometimes it feels like the world has moved on by. We can feel ignored, forgotten, forsaken, or abandoned. But then - there He is. Right in the middle of our emotional chaos - extending His peace, comfort, and grace to make the day one more time.

Today, I will crawl up in His lap and let Him have all my emotional junk. My prayers will be that He can take this crazy common but not normal life and make it a symphony of hope. Maybe, just maybe someone will hear the hope behind the tears and turn to Him for strength and grace. My meditations will be on how His grace carries me when I cannot keep moving (and that's a lot!). I will trust Him for one more day - will you join me?


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