Does God's Timing Stink?

Eli walking alongside Chris in his chair

Have you ever just wondered about God's timing? I know His ways are perfect, but I have some questions. lol. This morning I was reading the story of Peter walking on the water in Matthew 14. There are so many truths to extract from these few verses. We've talked before about how Jesus told them to get into the boat and go to the other side - knowing full well they would face a storm. Of course, He also knew He'd be walking out to them in the middle of the night - in the middle of the storm. Why didn't He calm the storm before it even started?

So, here they are struggling and trying to navigate a boat full of folks in the middle of the sea. They look up to see Jesus coming toward them at about 3 in the morning. Why didn't He calm the storm before He took off across the top of the water? Of course, this frightened them. So, He called out and told them that He was there with them in the storm.

Peter, who is known for his sporadic behaviors, calls back over the sound of the wind. "If it's really you, Jesus, tell me to come to you." Firstly, if he thought it was Jesus, he could have just jumped out and started toward Him. Secondly, it if wasn't Jesus, a demon could have bid him come too. But He recognized Jesus' voice even in the storm. (Think about that a bit!) Why didn't Jesus calm the storm before Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water? (Of course, without the wind and roaring waves, walking on water is not that spectacular, right? lol)

When Peter took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink. Jesus reached out, rescued him and they got in the boat. Then He calmed the storm. Why then? Why did all this have to go on before He calmed the storm?

As caregivers, we can feel like we live in a storm. Every day has so many challenges, it can be overwhelming. We gain a lot from this short passage. We learn that when we keep our eyes on Him - the storm isn't so loud or overbearing. It's only when we look away from Him that the storm starts to suck us under.

We learn that sometimes, no one gets out of the boat with you. They just silently look on as you try to keep walking toward God. We also learn that in our judgment, God could have calmed that storm at any time - and it would have been good. However, Peter would have missed the opportunity to walk on the water. He would have missed feeling Jesus' hands wrap around him and help him get back in the boat. 

Today, I will remind myself that no matter how stormy it may seem - God still has good plans for me. And His plans do not include letting the storm wipe me off the face of the earth. His plans don't include the waves overcoming me. His plans include lifting me out of the scary waters and placing me back in the boat. His plans include rescuing my soul from the situation. My body may still be stuck here in all sorts of situations - but He will not leave my soul there as I call out to Him. Today, I'll trust Him to get me back into the boat as I commit once again to keeping my eyes on Him and waiting for His timing to calm the storm. Will you join me?

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