Time for a Trim?


This morning, I was tending to my plants out on my front patio. I always go out in the mornings to move them around so they get optimal sunshine, and I water them. I noticed they had some dead leaves and stems, so I grabbed my scissors and started cutting away. When I finished, I stepped back and thought man, they look so fresh and pretty now!

I thought of the scripture where Jesus says that the master gardener prunes the branches so the plant bears more fruit. (John 15) As I gathered the dead bits and pieces I'd cut away, I wondered what things God might want to take out of my life - so that I can be more fruitful for His Kingdom. While I am very willing - I am also a bit hesitant.

As caregivers, we often feel such a sense of loss it's hard to cope with the extra knocks of life. Early on in my caregiving years, I discovered this after I'd racked up a large amount of credit card debt. Once I realized I was buying anything and everything I had an unction for to try and make the sense of loss go away, I stopped. That was a costly lesson. But now I can stop myself from silly purchases that are just trying to negate the sense of loss. 

We feel lots of losses - from our friends, even family, a "normal" life as we adjust to caregiving. So, to think that He needs to cut something more away - anything at all - it can feel like just another loss that is adding up. 

But here's the thing- He's not going to trim away one thing we need. He won't cut away to the "quick" so to speak. God so gently nips and tucks those empty things and frees us from needlessly carrying them forever. My plants didn't look bare when I was done, even though I thought they might! lol - They actually looked fuller when the dead parts were gone. That's the glory of our Master Gardener tending to us. When he's done, our lives will be fuller because of His work in and for us.

Today, I will yield to Him all my worries, concerns, and burdens. I will purposefully invite Him into the garden of my heart and ask Him to cut away the dead parts. I'll rejoice in knowing that as He works this heart-garden, it will be more beautiful when He's done. With gratitude, I'll welcome Him into my heart and life to create the beauty He sees in and through me. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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