Who Planned This?

 This morning as I was getting around, I was praying for my son. I do this a lot! lol. His chronic breathing issues are troubling and the medical system seems to be tiring of us. So, I took my concerns to God. I was walking and praying and asking for wisdom to handle the situation in the best way. Of course, I was moaning, groaning, and fussing at God for "letting" this all happen. lol - I know you've never done that, but I do. 

I took a brief few minutes to think about what like might have looked like. After all, none of us planned on him having a wreck at 24. There are many such unexpected things that happen to disrupt our plans, though. Am I right?

My mind went to Job. He was wealthy and had no plans of losing all that wealth in a day. Job didn't plan on his kids all dying in a single tragic accident. He didn't plan on getting sick either. But what Job did plan was that he was going to worship and trust God in the no matter whats. Now that's a plan that cannot be interrupted.

When the first rounds of bad news hit Job's heart and ears, he tore his robe and shaved his head to signal that he was officially in a state of mourning. Then he worshipped. Wait! He worshipped and mourned at the same time? Yup. Then when He got sick on top of all of that, He still declared that he was going to continue to trust God. In chapter 13 verse 15, Job says that even if God killed him, he would just keep trusting Him. Now that's a plan that cannot be stopped.

I thought of Joseph, who didn't plan on being betrayed by his brothers and sold off as a slave. Yet, he planned to keep his heart pure toward God in the circumstances. Daniel came to mind. His plan wasn't to get taken captive and be mutilated. But he did plan to maintain integrity with God in the midst of the years. 

Today, I plan on worshipping God in my no matter what. That's a plan that cannot be changed. I can worship Him and trust Him whether I get my way or don't. He is still God whether I get everything I ask for or nothing. His kingdom cannot be shaken by my trials. So, I will remind myself that He is still on the throne. He is still King of Kings. He still has the victory. And I declare with Job - Yet, will I trust Him. Will you join me?


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