Each New Day


I'm so thankful for each new day. Scripture promises us that His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:23) God doesn't have mornings since He dwells in constant light - because He is the light! So, that leads me to believe that He's created new mercies for each of our new mornings. That makes sense. Have you ever had a situation you were not sure how to handle? You went to sleep and voila! When you woke up, you knew exactly how to handle it. How that happens while we sleep - I will never know. But it happens a lot. There's something about having a new day to take on old problems. It's refreshing and often revealing.

But this morning, as I was reading, I realized Jesus made us a promise for our new days. I didn't necessarily like it, though. In Matthew 6, during the sermon on the mount - He's talking about not worrying about stuff. God is our Father, and He knows. He knows that we need all the basic stuff like food and clothes. Jesus promises us that as we seek the Kingdom - God will take care of all these things.

But then in verse 34, He says Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. I thought, what an interesting "promise." I like the one about mercies every morning better, personally. lol.

Jesus also promised us that we'll have tribulation in this world, even though He's overcome the world. At first, I thought about why He has promised us that each new day will bring its own set of problems for us to navigate through (with His help, of course!). He never promised that nothing bad would ever happen again once we got saved. He kind of promises the opposite, doesn't He? 

That's one of the things I love about the Bible. It doesn't whitewash reality. There's nothing swept under the rug. We see real people with real flaws dealing with real situations and trials. Isn't that what encourages us? The thought of having to be perfect every day is overwhelming - on top of overwhelming circumstances. But we see Moses, Jonah, Peter, and more of our favorite Bible characters messing up. God didn't throw anyone away. Instead - His mercies were new for them each morning. He promised to walk with them and not abandon them - even in their mess-ups. Man, am I thankful for that!

Today, I don't need to remind myself that I am imperfect. But I do need to remind myself that the perfect God walks with me through the trials and tribulations each day brings. My meditations will be on His new mercies - for today - for this day - the one I'm in right now. I'll remind myself that He's got me right here - right now. And my declaration will be: I will trust You, Lord - with my heart, with my soul, with my life, with my loved one - today. Will you join me?


Book cover of the 1 John Study Guide

I have two bookstores of devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more! You can get my downloadable eBooks (some are free!) from Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore. A few of them are also available in print or for Kindle on Amazon!

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