Gentle Reminders

 I mentioned you today in my FaceBook Live devotional, "Peace Out!" I was reading one of my all-time favorite scriptures, Psalm 61. As I read over the words, when my heart is overwhelmed, I thought of how many times we live in a state of overwhelm. Sometimes it's emotional as we watch our elderly loved ones slowly fade. Or perhaps some are caring for younger loved ones and all those "what could have beens" tear at our souls.

There are times when mental overwhelm is just unreal. There can be so much planning and thinking and strategizing when caring for another whole person. I've just figured out how to manage boluses so that I save huge chunks of time out of my day. It only took me 14 years. lol. Planning work, caregiving, and even breaks can be mentally and emotionally exhausting at times.

Maybe there are times when we are just physically overwhelmed too. Since I've had a bit of a heart issue, I get tired so much easier. Some days I feel like I'm dragging. But things still have to be done. Actually, there's nothing I can skip, even on those days. I know some of you understand. 

David's prayer when he felt overwhelmed was lead me to the Rock - you know that one that is higher, taller, stronger, than me. We read over this prayerful phrase without giving it much thought, but it carries a lot of weight. Think of a few mentions of God as our rock in scripture:

...the Mighty One of Jacob...the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel (Gen. 49:24)

He is the Rock, His deeds are perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. He is a faithful God and upright. (Duet. 32:4)

The rock of our enemies is not like our Rock, as even they recognize. (Duet. 32:31)

there is no Rock like our God! (I Sam.2:2)

Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. (Is.26:4)

And those are just the beginning. Wow, right? I think I'm going to write all these down and study them today because as I read over these few scriptures, I was encouraged and reminded that He really is my rock. He is a safe place to run no matter what overwhelms us. 

Today, I will thank God for being the immovable, steadfast, strong, and eternal Rock. I'll remind myself that I have a safe place to hide my body, soul, emotions, mind, and spirit. My meditations will be on hiding in Him, while my prayers today will be that Holy Spirit continues to lead me to that rock. Maybe I'll move there and just live in that Rock! Will you join me at the Rock?

(This morning's live devotion where I mentioned YOU! lol


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