It's the Journey

 This week it seems like it's been just one thing after another. From asthma attacks to clogged feeding tubes. As if it's not enough to just handle the "normal" day-to-day tasks of caregiving, it seems like sometimes these extras just need to pop up. Lol. It really is about the whole journey, isn't it? We're taking care of another whole person, after all!

But I've started noticing something about the journey - I think it's just an itsy bitsy bit easier to find His peace in the middle of it all. I've accepted that I'm an overthinker - it's just how I process stuff. But even in that process, I'm finding His peace a little quicker these days. Too bad He didn't equip us with a "peace" button we could push when we need it. I need a "grace" button too. lol. 

Sometimes, the journey to finding His peace is long and hard. But I have to say it's worth it. However, that doesn't mean that I have it all together yet. Maybe I haven't quite mastered letting His peace reign in my heart. But the relationship with Him that I've been building in the process - is so worth it. Isn't that what it's really all about, ultimately? 

To learn and accept that He is with me all the time - good days, bad days, days I don't want to go on - He's right there. The journey is worth it. To know that He loves me even when I am so mad in life's situations that I'm ready to spit and cuss. The journey is worth it. To know in those long, dark, midnight hours - there is someone to call on. The journey is worth it.

Today, my meditations will be on how I continue to learn about Him and trust Him more through this journey called caregiving. I'll focus my affections on my relationship with Him - that's one thing we don't have to miss out on as caregivers, right? We may miss weddings, funerals, and all sorts of family gatherings and outings - but we don't have to miss out on our relationship with Him. So, today I will rejoice in His presence right here, right now, with me - and I'll trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Book cover of the 1 John Study Guide

I have two bookstores of devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more! You can get my downloadable eBooks (some are free!) from Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore. A few of them are also available in print or for Kindle on Amazon!


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