Not Gonna Do It!


Eli walking alongside chris' chair

I've shared my own personal struggles with rejection and abandonment. As I've aged and started closing in on those senior years, it's become much less of an issue. Most of it has been due to God's faithfulness to heal and protect the soul. Some of the progress is due to having a fuller picture of life from this side of the "hill." But as a caregiver, it can be easy to feel like life itself has abandoned you and left you on the backside of the desert. Of course, not every moment feels that way, but there are those days...

This morning, during my personal devotions, I found myself in Psalm 94. I gleaned a lot from this Psalm this morning and shared a different verse in my FaceBook Live devotions. (See the video at the bottom.)But personally, I got stuck in a good way in verse 14. The New Living Translation says, The Lord will not reject His people; He will not abandon His own special possession. There are three key points in this little verse tucked away in Psalm 94.

God Will Not Reject Us!

He will never say we are not His! We don't have to worry about being disconnected from His grace, mercy, peace, or love because He accepts us. And the cool thing is that He takes us just like we are - no matter how messy, confused, or distraught we may sometimes feel as caregivers. He never tosses us away.

God Will Not Abandon Us!

He will never walk away and leave us to figure out how to deal with life on our own. He is here for the journey. He is with us by choice. Besides, He doesn't even have the capacity to leave us since He's everywhere - lol - He literally has nowhere to go. :-)

We are His Special Possession

We are His focus. God so loved...He sent. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We are the object of His affection. Why? I have no idea! lol - But He loves us, cares for us, and calls us His own. We are so valuable to Him - we cannot even fathom it. That just blows my mind in a good kind of way.

Today, I will meditate on these three things - He accepts me. He will not leave me. He values me. That's a lot, isn't it? I will thank Him for these three truths today as I move about my day. I'll turn my thoughts to His presence, His peace, and His pursuit of me. And I will trust Him to walk with me through one more day - will you join me?

This morning's live devotions.


Book cover of the 1 John Study Guide

I have two bookstores of devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more! You can get my downloadable eBooks (some are free!) from Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore. A few of them are also available in print or for Kindle on Amazon!

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