
Kyrie and Chris

 Relationships can be difficult for caregivers to navigate. Sometimes, there just isn't time for social interaction. Other times it is due to how we are perceived. Planning social activities can be quite a chore too. And no matter how well you plan, there can be one of those "somethings" that comes up last minute, causing others to perceive us as unreliable or inconsistent. It's okay that they don't get us, though. They don't have to. But for me, sometimes, it's super frustrating to try to make plans with so many possible "unknowns" in the air. Maybe as a culture, we miss the goal of relationships.

A relationship always has a start date. I became friends with my BFF when I was 8. There is a day I met her and we've been friends now for over 50 years. (Man, that makes me sound old... but she's older than me so there's that... lol) We didn't set an "end date" for our relationship, because it's an ongoing occurrence. We have walked with each other through all the crazy twists and turns life can throw at us. 

While making new relationships is different as a caregiver, and really different for the whole world right now because of Covid, the process is still the same. We just sort of grow into it. There are those people who you just connect with and become fast friends with, like my friend Mary. The day we met it was an instant connection, and we've just grown since then.

What in the world is my point?

Knowing God is about relationship, note rote. It's about walking through time together and learning more about each other all along the way. Of course, God has the advantage there since He already knows! lol. But there's not an endpoint we are trying to reach. The goal is a continued relationship - even after time. Our goal is to just keep walking with Him, talking with Him, fellowshipping with Him, until the end of time - then we will just do it forever. On our end, it means we just keep learning more about Him. On His end - it means He is always there with us and for us, like parallel lines with no end. (Former math teacher here.)

Today, I will welcome Him into my day as I would a friend. I'll purposefully look for Him in each situation - because He's there. I'll thank Him for desiring a perpetual relationship with us and for never abandoning us when life gets tough or complicated. Throughout the day, I'll stop and acknowledge His presence and thank Him for being right here - wherever "here" is. And I will trust Him to be with me, strengthen me, and even carry me as needed today. Will you join me?

Today's FBLive on relationships:

I Will declarations book cover

Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!

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