Seizing Opportunities

Kyrie hugging Chris

When I woke up this morning, I had a verse I had used in yesterday's FB Live devotions running through my mind. I mentioned Psalm 138:24 which says This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. As I was running through the tasks I need to get done today I turned my thoughts to how God has given me today

We never know what a day will bring. We don't even know what might change in a moment. But for right now, right this minute, today I can thank God. I can seize the opportunity of a today to be thankful, to praise God, and rejoice in Him. And while I have a great attitude right now, I'll be the first to tell you that it's not always that easy. Some days, I have to dig down a little deeper to find praise, or to find thanksgiving. But it's always worth the dig!

Things seem topsy-turvy in our world right now, but we can still praise God because He never changes. There are so many extremes, and so much arguing going on. But His peace can still reign in our hearts. No matter how crazy it gets out there, we are reminded to stay the course and seize opportunities to share His love and light with a dying world. As caregivers, we are not excluded from the charge He gave all believers to make disciples, to love as He loves, and to reach the lost. While our worlds may look a bit different than "everyone else's", we can still seize opportunities to be like Him as they come our way.

I will seize the opportunity of today to thank God for still loving me, being with me, and providing for me. Today, I will look for open doors to give Him thanks. I will focus my attention on His love, grace, peace, and presence and thank Him and trust Him for today. Will you join me?


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