Who "Gets" Us?


Even though the number of caregivers around the world is climbing, many people just don't get us. Baby Boomers are starting to care for their aging parents, which is why the numbers are rising. There are also a lot of people like me sandwiched between caring for aging loved ones and kids with disabilities. But there are still so many people who don't understand.

Maybe they just can't understand what we face day after day. Or maybe they don't want to. Until someone has been in a caregiving position, they may not ever understand how emotionally, spiritually, and physically draining it can be. Of course, it's not like that every day all the time. But over time, it can be draining, to say the least. Each day we reinvent ourselves to do it again! why? Because of love.

Sometimes, others' inability to empathize with our caregiving lifestyle feels isolating. It can drive us deeper into the aloneness that eats away. It's easy to feel like no one understands, no one really sees, no one "gets" us. But the good news is that there is One Who will always "get" us. 

God understands. As a matter of fact, He understands us so well that He "gets" the things we don't have words for. That oughta blow your mind! He gets the words, thoughts, and emotions behind every tear that falls. Then He catches it as a momento of our trust in Him. 

He gets all the ins, outs, ups, and downs that come with the caregiving package. And in the midst of whatever all of that looks like for you today - He still says - Here's my peace, grace, and mercy to help you today. When Jesus said, My peace I leave with you -  the disciples were all right there, including Judas, who would betray Him with a kiss, and Peter, who was going to deny he ever knew Him. Jesus didn't even disqualify them! He won't disqualify us either - He gets us.

Today, I'll remind myself that God understands. I'll think about how He sees more of my situation than I do - and still chooses to hang around! That makes me smile. My thoughts will run down memory lane recalling the times He's helped me before - whether I "deserved" it or not. I'll think about His grace and mercy and peace - and how there are no "disqualifiers." I will meditate on His constant presence as He chooses to walk through time with me rather than just waiting for me at the end. Because He gets me. I'll thank Him for understanding me - for understanding you. Will you join me in trusting Him for one more day?


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  1. PHENOMENAL words that helps us to see a window of your experience while helping us to understand ours. Very timely and helpful! Much love!

    1. My goal is to help us all understand one another better and Him better in the process! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts with us.


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