

Over the weekend, I took some time for a little old-fashioned Bible study. I sat with my pen, journal, and coffee and just enjoyed traipsing through the scriptures. I pulled out my New Living Translation and then my Amplified Bible to get all I could out of each scripture. Finally, I ended up in Psalm 2, but my eyes went to my handwritten notes on Psalm 3 in my Amplified Bible. 

Psalm 3 was written by David during the time when he was running from Absalom, his son. Absalom was committing treason and trying to take the kingdom from David. I guess David was accustomed to running after those earlier years he spent running from Saul. He wrote in the first two verses about his despair and how it seemed like no one believed David had hope left. Then, verse three starts with but...David reminds himself, but You, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Wow. I need to remind myself of that daily. But what about those handwritten notes? They led me to Jeremiah 20:7-13.

Jeremiah is feeling some overwhelm too. How about that, right there in the Bible! He has lost his friends, and everyone is murmuring against him. Jeremiah is to the point of giving up, then remembers that God's words are fiery inside of him, and he just can't. Like David, Jeremiah pours out his heart in verses 7 to 10. And then verse 11 starts with but... Jeremiah says, but the Lord is with me as a mighty warrior.

There was one more scripture written alongside the verses in Psalm 3. They are Micah 7:5-10. The prophet is talking about all those who are against him, whether they are real or perceived, it's just as traumatic! He even started the first verse of chapter 7 with Woe is me! He was feeling some pain now! Then in verse 7, Micah starts with but... Micah goes on to say, but as for me, I will look to the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch; I will wait with hope and expectancy for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

I was blown away by these three passages. Each one was written by someone surrounded by grief and pain of some sort. I love how they felt like they could express their hearts. I love how each one turned it all to God. If we put that together, we could say the Lord is: a shield, my glory, lifter of my head, with me as a mighty warrior, my hope, my salvation - and He will hear me! That's some good stuff right there.

Today, I will let these nuggets roll around in my head as I remind myself that He's got me. He won't let go any time soon, either! He won't move away, walk away, or turn the other way. His strength, glory, hope, peace, and love are all right here to protect my heart and mind. I will remind myself that His glory has me surrounded! My meditations will be on that one little phrase, He will hear me. I believe that - do you?


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  1. Yours is the first devo I turn to each day, needed this so much today. Praying for you and your son. Thanks so much for the insights and encouragement.

    1. Thank you so much for reading! And thanks for praying for us! I'm glad you get a little something out of reading.


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