He Can Match It!

 This morning, I woke up with our scripture from yesterday still on my mind. I meditated on it all day yesterday, so no wonder it was still dancing around in my head. As usual, when I turned back to Psalm 94:19 once again, I saw something new. It's funny because I know His word didn't change from yesterday to today - but I was in a new place today. 

Again, Psalm 94:19 says this: In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. I noticed this morning as I read and reread this verse again that anxieties and comforts are both plurals. What that said to me was that God has comfort to match our anxieties. There's a comfort for every single concern or anxious thought we might drum up. 

As caregivers, we never know what a day will bring. This morning, we had a nurse visit at 8. That'll mess up your schedule. I also have to walk down to the office sometime today to pick up some supplies I ordered for Chris. No biggie - it's just one of those "one more things" that get piled on our full days, right? But the good news is that God's comfort can match it. We cannot come up with any anxiety that His comfort and peace can't match. He'll never say, oops, one too many today. You'll have to come back tomorrow.

He has enough grace, peace, comfort, and wisdom for everything life throws at us. His comforts can match the ebbs and flows of our emotions all day and all night long. That's amazing to me! I can't have too many worries (not that we are supposed to worry - but hey - we do) for Him to cover with grace. There are no circumstances that will put His output of comfort into overload. No situation will drain Him of His grace. Man, that's cool!

Today, I will remind myself that He's got me for one more day, and He won't clock out and go home no matter what comes my way. My meditation will be on how His comforts, grace, peace, and mercy can endure any situation, no matter how hard or easy. I may just sit here and sip my coffee a bit longer and rejoice that He's in it with me - and He's in it to win it! Will you join me?

Book cover of the 1 John Study Guide

I have two bookstores of devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more! You can get my downloadable eBooks (some are free!) from Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore. A few of them are also available in print or for Kindle on Amazon!

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