If It's All the Same to You

 I've studied time for years now, and I'm fascinated with it. I'd really like to understand more about how God sees time because our view of it is quite limited. I wonder what time looks like from eternity's viewpoint. For now, it'll just be a lot of thoughts running around in my head. Yesterday, I saw something that reminded me that there are 1440 minutes in each day. There's no way to manipulate that number up or down.

While I think it'd be nice for caregivers to get a few more minutes than everyone else, we just don't. Everyone, rich or poor, believer or unbeliever, old or young, and male or female, gets the exact same amount of time to work with each and every day. It's the only true level playing ground we have in the world, meaning no one can get more, and no one gets less. We all have to live our days out 1440 minutes at a time.

At first, we may think we don't know a lot about time. But we know that time is in His hands. And we know that He chose to put us right here at this point in time. He could have put us later or earlier  - but here we are trying to survive 2022! lol. We also know that although God walks through time with us, He is not limited by it. Personally, I'm so glad that though God is eternal and dwells in eternity - He chooses to walk through time with us. He chooses to be involved with us. I love that.

So, this great, magnificent, eternal being chooses to spend 1440 minutes with us each day. He doesn't spend more time with you than He does with me and vice versa! We all have the exact same opportunity to spend our days and even the long nights leaning on Him and listening for His breath. That's cool.

Today, I will remind myself that He is present in time with me. I'll meditate on the truth that no matter how I spend my time, He is right there, and He's not going anywhere, either. My thoughts will be on how He longs to be with us (because that still sort of blows my mind), and chooses to be here with us when He could get lost in His Kingdom and never even glance our way. Instead, He walks through time with us, listening for our hearts too. My heart overflows with gratitude toward His lovingkindness and careful watching over our souls. I think I can trust Him for 1440 more minutes, will you join me?


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