
 One of the things about caregiving is that it is so constant. Even if you take a "break" (whatever that is), you're still on call in case decisions need to be made or the interim caregiver needs information. Of course, some days are better and easier than others, but all in all, it's a constant thing. There is a daily need to reinvent yourself to take on the chores and tasks for each new day. And you know what? That's okay. Because it forces us to run back to His mercies that are new every single morning - for our benefit, not His!

Each day we get up with a full plate. Hopefully, we got to sleep that night, as sometimes that's not a given, either. But God is always there to greet us. I have this picture of Him watching us sleep like all parents do. He's so excited when we awaken to a new day with Him, even if it's one He may need to carry us through. He patiently does that time and time again.

Maybe if life was all smooth sailing, we wouldn't need Him so much. Maybe the storm is what drives us to seek Him as our shelter. We don't "need" a shelter without a storm, right? While I don't like the storm, I don't care for all the uncomfortable things about caregiving, but I am thankful that they have driven me deeper into His heart. Are you?

Today, I'll take my eyes off the pressing storm and think about how safely I am hidden in Him. Even though my heart hears the thunder rolling and sees the lightning flashing, I'll rest in Him because I know that His heart is the safest place on earth. Will you join me?


New books coming soon! Later this month you will be able to grab your copy of a brand new 30-day devotional called "Peace Out! It's in the Bible!" Until then, check out my other titles in my eBook store and on my Amazon Bookshelf.


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