When Two Seekers Meet


Kyrie and Chris at the park

Jesus told us to seek first the Kingdom of God. Jeremiah told us that when we seek Him, we will find Him. But as I have been studying lately, I'm finding that God was the first seeker. He came looking for Adam right after they sinned in the Garden of Eden. Where are you, Adam? He found Moses on the backside of the wilderness and called him to deliver the Children of Israel. We've talked many times about Hagar and how the angel of the Lord found her. 

I've been studying the woman at the well. Jesus had to go through Samaria, He told His disciples. Why? To find a nameless woman by a nameless well. He shared with her that He was the source of living water and that He was indeed more than a prophet - He was the Messiah. 

Then, this week, I found another "find" in the scriptures, and it blew me away. How have I missed this one? It's in John 9. I love this story of how Jesus healed the blind man. It's a great read! Eventually, the religious zealots kicked the formerly blind man out of the temple. It wasn't because he was healed, but because he asked them if they wanted to be disciples of Jesus too. In verse 35, John says, When Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and when He had found him...

He went looking for a man religion had discarded. Jesus purposefully sought the formerly blind man out and shared with him the full gospel. Verse 38 says, then he worshiped Him. Just wow. I think caregivers deal with rejection quite a bit, even though it can come in many forms. Maybe we don't fit in at some churches, can't participate in some settings, and are largely ignored by a society that doesn't understand. But God will come for us. He will seek us out. He is the first great Seeker, after all.

Scriptures say when we seek Him - He will let us find Him. (Jeremiah 29:14 "I will be found by you.") Can we turn that around and see that He is also seeking us? He wants a relationship with us, and He'll do anything to get it! He comes seeking - can we let Him find us today?

Today, I will remind myself that God is looking for relationship with me. I'll choose to let His heart find mine. I'll choose to let His heart reside in mine. When two seekers meet, it's a glorious reunion full of love and joy. Today, I won't run from the Seeker. I will stop and let Him find me right where I am. No matter how lonely, discarded, or disheveled I feel in my soul - He is still seeking after me. That brings my soul comfort, knowing that He hasn't given up His search for a soul that will worship Him. Will you join me in welcoming and worshiping Him today?


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