Better Plans

 Ever have one of those days where it seems like everything goes wrong? Way, way back in our minds, we know it's not everything, but it sure can feel like it. It's so easy for overwhelm to take over. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I hopped on my treadmill, and it decided something or other needs to be lubed. I have no idea what that means - it'll probably be easier to just buy another one. Lol. Then the blender I use to make my son's blenderized meals quit on me. My computer's been acting up for a while, and it all just piled in on me last night. It's just frustrating, that's all. As if I had enough time to accomplish all the regular caregiving tasks throughout the day, now I have to figure out how to replace these items and shop for them. (I really don't like shopping.)

I know we all have these sorts of days, but it sure feels a little like sparring did and just getting hit over and over again with no way to defend myself. But when I got up this morning to take on these additional tasks along with my regular ones, I knew that it was just another day to trust God. I know better than to try and trust in my own resources - 'cause I ain't got none. There really isn't a better plan than just trusting Him, is there?

I wonder if our Bible heroes thought about "other plans" or better ones. Maybe Joseph could have come up with something "better" than sitting in a prison for all those years. Somehow, though, even through all the adversity, he continued to trust God. We don't really have any way of knowing if he ever doubted that the dream God gave him would come to pass. I mean, seriously, he had to wonder. 

The three Hebrew children were hoping God had a better plan than a walk through the fiery furnace. They had to hope or at least think there was a maybe. Their words still ring true today - our God is able to deliver us - but if He doesn't - we still won't bow. God is able to make all our pain go away - but if He doesn't?  He could heal us and our loved ones in a second - but if He doesn't? He could wipe Covid off the face of the earth - but if He doesn't? If He does, or if He doesn't - aren't we just going to trust Him anyway? I can't think of a better plan, can you?

Today, I'll remind myself that God is indeed still in control, and there is not a better plan than trusting Him. My thoughts will be on the heroes of our faith who trusted God all the way through their adversities, and I'll be committed to doing the same. I'll tell myself that now is not a good time to give up or give in! And I'll trust Him for just one more day - today. Will you join me?

Today's Live along the same lines:


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