Got Faith? (The Answer is Yes)


When I got up this morning, I didn't want to do anything. Not that that could happen in the life of a caregiver, but it was my thought and my attitude anyway. I didn't even want to read my Bible. (Don't tell anyone!) Honestly, I knew if I didn't do my FaceBook live devotions, someone would be calling to see if I was okay. And I didn't want to talk to anyone either. So, I thumbed through a few scriptures, then settled on one. But I wasn't happy with it, so I pulled out my declarations book. I compiled all the "I will" statements out of the Psalms and put them in a book. I opened it, and my eyes fell on Psalm 28:1 To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock! 

Maybe you don't have days like that. Maybe you don't need a pick-me-up to get you going. But I did today. And I found that when I started reading the declarations and I turned my ugh into some I will's, my mind began to clear, and I could grab hold of Him once again. In short, my attitude changed. What ended up happening was that I encouraged myself with my own devotions. Lol. God is so faithful to meet us right where we are - even in the middle of our messes. 

In I Thessalonians 3, Paul mentions his afflictions and distresses. He said that the faith of the Thessalonian believers encouraged him even in his situation. What's interesting to me is that Paul didn't try to act like nothing bad was happening. He was open and honest about it. That's what I like about the Psalms, too - because until we are honest about our feelings, even if it means we think we don't have faith (we do) - God can meet us there.

Having faith doesn't mean we never face difficult circumstances. It doesn't mean life isn't hard. It does mean that we just keep running back to Him! The fact that you picked up your Bible this morning is an act of faith. If you whispered (or yelled) a prayer this morning - you have faith. If you asked God to help me make it through today - you demonstrated faith. Our circumstances and situations are not an accurate measure of faith. Think Daniel in the lion's den, Joseph in the prison cell, Paul in a shipwreck, Moses on the back side of the wilderness, and Jesus on the cross. These heroes of faith faced such dire circumstances. They trusted God. They had faith. If you are still running to Him - you have faith too!

Today, I will remind myself that the fact I am still seeking Him is a faith indicator. I'll meditate on these stories of saints who trusted Him no matter what they went through in life. I will NOT measure my faith by my circumstances. Instead, I will look to Him to carry me through one more day. Will you join me?

(Here's today's live where I talked myself happy. :-))

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