
Chris standing tall

It's so easy to focus on the craziness and hardships of caregiving, isn't it? Well, to be fair, it's all right there in our faces, and it's hard to see around them sometimes. Together, I'm sure we could make quite the exhaustive list that would include social isolation, loneliness, exhaustion, sleeplessness, financial struggles, living grief, and more. I'm pretty sure I've touched on all of these at some point in our devotions for caregivers. 

We know we're not going to wake up in the morning, and everything is going to just be alright. Of course, that's assuming we slept at all last night. Lol.  Something at some time has rocked our world, and we make the choice of caregiving. Some say it's a sacrificial choice; I say it was the only choice for me. But however we got here - wherever here is - here we are! Now to survive. We all have our strategies and tips for surviving caregiving. Some are conservative, and some are probably a bit bizarre for those who don't understand how ravaging caregiving can be on emotions and mental health. But so far, we can rejoice that we've made it to today's here, right?

A post by a friend on Facebook this morning was all it took to help me reshape my attitude for today. She said, "God only created good days, therefore, I replaced my childish prayer with... "Lord, help me to see the good in the day you provided. That made me think of Psalm 118:24. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Now, if we are honest, and we are in this blog, all days don't feel like they are created equal. And even the best of days can change on a dime if our loved one was to fall or become ill. It changes everything. That's why I own a laptop that I can drop in a bag and carry with me for emergencies.

But in the middle of our hectic and actively overflowing caregiving lives, God brings us peace. He still makes the day, and He still walks through the nights. Some days, we may have to try a little harder and look a little deeper, but there are good things that are God things in every day. When we become the seeker, we will find Him in our day-to-days. Every single time.

Today, I purpose to look for His hand in my day-to-days. I'll take some time for reflection on how far He's brought us already and trust that He's still got me as I forge into new days ahead. I will shift my perspective and diligently look for His hand at work in me, for me, and through me. I will be thankful for this day - and all He does IS good - that He has made and allowed me to live. I'll take a deep breath and thank Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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